Fall Training Class
Being a Master Gardener is a fun, exciting vocation that starts with a firm foundation in horticulture and continues with not only service but a continuing learning environment where your knowledge of gardening will continue to grow. You will learn not only from your training class but from your fellow Master Gardeners through our many activities. Whether it’s a class you attend or a private tour of another member’s yard, you will have the opportunity to learn--and to share your knowledge as well.
Our projects not only serve our mission of educating our community but provide learning opportunities for our members. In teaching others, we learn ourselves and form relationships to last a lifetime.
Gonzales Master Gardeners Class Enrollment
The Gonzales Master Gardeners will offer their extensive Texas Master Gardener training class each fall. Classes are planned to start in September and conclude in May. Classes are held at PACE: Plantatarium A Center for Exploration, Master Gardeners Building, 623 N. Fair Street in Gonzales on Tuesday mornings from 8:30am to 12:30pm approximately every two weeks though the schedule may vary slightly to accommodate holidays, Christmas break and spring break.
Getting outdoors to work around our homes is a great use of time as well as a health benefit. The program is designed to teach a broad fundamental background in horticulture. The Gonzales Master Gardeners are particularly proud of the excellent speakers offered for classes. Classes give students a solid scientific foundation as well as a lot of practical and applied training. Subjects include not only botany and soil science but other topics such as how to start and grow plants and cuttings, prepare soil mixtures and install and maintain irrigation in the most water efficient manner. Topics and the class schedule are posted on this Gonzales Master Gardener website.
The Texas Master Gardener program is a program of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension designed to teach and promote good gardening practices. The Gonzales association conducts the training classes under the supervision of County Extension Agent Dwight Sexton. Students who complete the program volunteer in the community for a total of 50 hours their first year to earn their certification as a Texas Master Gardener. Volunteer projects are directed toward teaching in the community which is Extension’s mission. Working alongside other Master Gardeners, students learn as much from their volunteer activities as they do from the classes.
Applications are available at the Gonzales Extension Office at 623 N. Fair street, at the Extension website at www.gonzales.agrilife.org and at the Gonzales Master Gardner website at www.gonzalesmastergardeners.org. The cost of the class is $185 which covers the cost of the textbook, and a soils test along with all fees associated with class activities. A credit card payment of approximately $12 will be required for the Texas A&M AgriLife volunteer orientation and background check. For more information, call the Gonzales Extension office at (830) 672-8531
([email protected]). The Gonzales Master Gardeners is an all-volunteer organization and a 501 (c) (3) dedicated to advancing the mission of horticultural education under the direction of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
Our projects not only serve our mission of educating our community but provide learning opportunities for our members. In teaching others, we learn ourselves and form relationships to last a lifetime.
Gonzales Master Gardeners Class Enrollment
The Gonzales Master Gardeners will offer their extensive Texas Master Gardener training class each fall. Classes are planned to start in September and conclude in May. Classes are held at PACE: Plantatarium A Center for Exploration, Master Gardeners Building, 623 N. Fair Street in Gonzales on Tuesday mornings from 8:30am to 12:30pm approximately every two weeks though the schedule may vary slightly to accommodate holidays, Christmas break and spring break.
Getting outdoors to work around our homes is a great use of time as well as a health benefit. The program is designed to teach a broad fundamental background in horticulture. The Gonzales Master Gardeners are particularly proud of the excellent speakers offered for classes. Classes give students a solid scientific foundation as well as a lot of practical and applied training. Subjects include not only botany and soil science but other topics such as how to start and grow plants and cuttings, prepare soil mixtures and install and maintain irrigation in the most water efficient manner. Topics and the class schedule are posted on this Gonzales Master Gardener website.
The Texas Master Gardener program is a program of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension designed to teach and promote good gardening practices. The Gonzales association conducts the training classes under the supervision of County Extension Agent Dwight Sexton. Students who complete the program volunteer in the community for a total of 50 hours their first year to earn their certification as a Texas Master Gardener. Volunteer projects are directed toward teaching in the community which is Extension’s mission. Working alongside other Master Gardeners, students learn as much from their volunteer activities as they do from the classes.
Applications are available at the Gonzales Extension Office at 623 N. Fair street, at the Extension website at www.gonzales.agrilife.org and at the Gonzales Master Gardner website at www.gonzalesmastergardeners.org. The cost of the class is $185 which covers the cost of the textbook, and a soils test along with all fees associated with class activities. A credit card payment of approximately $12 will be required for the Texas A&M AgriLife volunteer orientation and background check. For more information, call the Gonzales Extension office at (830) 672-8531
([email protected]). The Gonzales Master Gardeners is an all-volunteer organization and a 501 (c) (3) dedicated to advancing the mission of horticultural education under the direction of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
David brings tears to their eyes in the Botany Class after doing the old cut the onion trick.
Students learn about plants
Pondering what it all means